When Life Gives You Lemons…

It is almost exactly a year since we left the UK to begin our new life in Melbourne. It’s been quite a ride (another post, another day), but I am still marvelling at the similarities and the differences between here and my homeland.

One of the highlights was discovering a lemon tree in the back garden. It sounds silly, but I’d only ever seen lemons on trees when holidaying in Spain. It’s small things like this that make me warm and fuzzy.

Lemons, lemons, lemons. Such a versatile cooking ingredient. The best thing to do with lemons (aside from making a G&T) is The Saint’s favourite Lemon Drizzle Cake. I can sometimes make two of these a week as all the boys love it so much!

I thought I’d share the love and give you the recipe I use.


For the cake mixture:

200g unsalted butter, very soft but not runny

250g caster sugar

3 medium eggs at room temperature, beaten

finely grated zest of 2 medium unwaxed lemons

250g self raising flour

1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

100ml milk at room temperature

For the topping:

100g caster sugar

juice of 2 medium unwaxed lemons

finely grated zest of 1 medium unwaxed lemon (optional)

I use a greaseproof paper lined loaf tin, but this cake also works well with a 20cm springclip tin.

1. Preheat the oven to 180c/350F/Gas4

2. Put butter, sugar, eggs and lemon zest into a large bowl and mix until smooth

3. Sift flour and baking powder into the bowl and combine ingredients thoroughly until you have a smooth cake batter.

4. Put the mix into the tin and spread evenly

5. Bake in the oven until the cake is a good golden brown and firm and a cocktail stick inserted into the centre comes out clean (50-60mins. I sometimes cover the cake in foil half way through if it’s browning too quickly).

6. Meanwhile make the topping. Mix the sugar and the lemon juice (and zest if using) to make a runny glaze.

7. Once cake is cooked, remove from the oven and stand the tin a wire cooling rack

8. Prick the top of the cake all over with a skewer or cocktail stick, and then quickly spoon the lemon topping over so that it trickles down the holes.

9. Let the cake cool completely before removing from the tin and discarding the greaseproof paper.

10. Serve cut into slices (for yummy dessert, serve still warm with cream)

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